What is the Equality Index?

The equality index is an indicator to evaluate the percentage of women and men who have received a pay rise during the year.
Companies with more than 50 employees must calculate their index and communicate it in a visible and readable way.

This indicator is out of 100 points and is composed of 5 indicators:

  • Gender pay gap.
  • Gap in the distribution of individual increases.
  • Distribution gap for promotions.
  • The number of female employees who receive a raise when they return from maternity leave.
  • Parity among the 10 highest earners.

Results below 85 points result in the setting and publication of improvement targets for the 5 indicators.
Results below 75 points result in the publication of corrective and remedial measures.

how to calculate it?

It is thanks to a simulator-calculator that we can calculate it. We need to enter the company’s data corresponding to the criteria in order to obtain the results for each indicator as well as for the index.

To see our score for this year, go to the bottom of the recruitment page.

To find out more about the equality index click HERE.